Dental Extractions

Tooth Extractions: What to Expect ?

Losing a tooth can be a stressful experience. At Om Dental Clinic, Implant & TMJ Center, we understand the importance of clear communication and gentle care throughout the tooth extraction process. This guide will explain what to expect when undergoing a tooth extraction at our clinic.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction:

The Extraction Process

The specific procedure will vary depending on the complexity of the extraction. Here’s a general overview:
  1. Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the tooth, ensuring minimal discomfort during the procedure.
  2. Tooth Loosening: The dentist uses specialized instruments to gently loosen the tooth in its socket, separating it from the surrounding bone and ligament.
  3. Tooth Removal: Once loosened, the dentist carefully removes the tooth.
  4. Cleaning and Closure: The socket is cleaned and disinfected to prevent infection. Stitches may be placed to close the gum tissue and promote healing.

Third Molar extractions

Are your wisdom teeth causing you trouble? Our experienced dentists specialize in the safe and efficient removal of wisdom teeth. Whether your teeth are impacted, causing pain, or contributing to oral health issues, we can help. Enjoy a comfortable and stress-free extraction experience with advanced techniques and gentle care.

Recovery After Extraction

Following a dental extraction, it’s crucial to follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions for proper healing. These include

Considering an Extraction?

If you have a tooth causing you pain or discomfort, or your dentist has recommended an extraction, schedule a consultation at Om Dental Clinic, Implant & TMJ Center. We’ll thoroughly examine your tooth and discuss all treatment options, including extractions and alternatives like root canal therapy, if possible. We understand dental procedures can cause anxiety, and our experienced dentists will ensure you feel comfortable and informed throughout the process.

Remember, our goal is to preserve your natural teeth whenever possible. However, when extraction is necessary, we offer the expertise and care you deserve to ensure a smooth recovery and maintain your overall oral health.

Contact our clinic today to schedule an appointment